Friday, April 5, 2013

Crunch Time!!

So for the last few weeks I've been training in preparation for the International USKSF tournament which I've been attenting the last 4 years. Although this year I plan to compete in the lower weight division that i am used to, which means I will have to work hard to drop about 10 lbs. I have approximately 3 months to do so. It's a lot harder than I had anticipated, with the weather still a bit too cold to be running outside, my cardio hasn't been where it should be. My current training regiment involves:

Monday: 5:30pm to 7:30pm - Warm-Up, Bag and Pads Training
               7:30pm to 8:00pm - Sparring
               8:00pm to 9:00pm - Forms and Set Fighting

Tuesday: 5:30pm to 7:00pm - Weight Training and Bag Training

Wednesday: 5:30pm to 7:00pm - Bag Training
                    7:00pm to 9:00pm - Forms, Set fighting, and weapons training
Thursday: 5:30 to 7:00pm - Weight Training 
                7:00 to 8:30pm - Bag and Pads Training
                 8:30 to 9:00pm - Sparring

My bag training consist of :

20 of my most powerful round houses, front kicks, and low sweeps per leg which comes to 120 kicks to enhance the strength of my kicks, then I do 20 double round houses as quickly as possible per leg to enhance my kicking speed which comes to 80 kicks for the set. A total of 200 kicks per training session.  

I then move on to 20 straight jabs per hand as powerful as I can throw them, and 20 cross punches per hand for strength and conditioning my biceps, triceps, shoulders, and wrists. I then follow up with 20 Jab, cross combo to work on the speed of my jab and the power of my cross per side. I then work on 10 hooks per side and end it there. A total of 180 punches per bag training.  

Here is weight training regime:

4 Sets of:
10 Wide Grip Pushups
10 Chest Clap Pushups
10 Shoulder Raises (25 lbs)
10 Hammer Curls (25 lbs)
10 Tricep Push Ups
10 Shoulder Grudge (approx. 130 lbs bar)
10 Leg raises (6 lbs ball)

At the moment I weigh at 163 lbs and I need to reach below 154.5 lbs. I have to admit that my biggest problem at the moment is my diet... I have no discipline when it comes to eating bad food.

During work days my diet consist of 
9:00am - 2 Slices of Cheese Bread with cream cheese spread, 2 cups of V8 tomato juice, and an apple
1:30pm - 1 Tortilla wrap with cheese, salami, and mustard with a side of vegetable and hummus as a dip
4:00pm - A bowl of cereal with almond milk
5:30pm - A protein drink
9:30pm - Meat and Salad

Obviously there are times, where I will have a snack here and there throughout the day and on weekends I pretty much eat whatever the hell I want and snack on whatever I want... WHY DO THINGS HAVE TO TASTE SO DAMN GOOD!!! I was reflecting back on my youth and wondered how the hell did I sustain an avg of 140lbs... then I remembered that I was easily capable of ignoring my hunger whenever I was focused on my video games... perhaps I should return to my video games to help me lose some weight :)

Wish me luck everyone! :)

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