Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How To Lose A Fight For Dummies

As some of you are already aware, last year was my first ever international level tournament and in preparation for it, I went out and seeked help... a LOT of help from many different people. One of which was my Sihing Calvin Chung, who told me that the first thing I should do is go online and do some research about the tournament, understand the rules (Like my Sifu always says " If it's not illegal, then it's Legal!"), and watch the Lei-Tai and Sanshou videos people have uploaded on Youtube. Honestly, watching those videos scared the crap out of me but I have to admit that the fear I got from watching them, is what pushed me to train extremely hard. Knowing the possibilities of serious injuries, I would train as hard as possible to make sure I wouldn't be the one getting the injuries but instead giving them.

Soon I ran out of online videos to watch so I started to make my own by recording the sparring sessions at my school and wherever else I would go to train and spar. The original sole purpose of watching those online videos was to get an idea of what I signed up for, but soon after I realized, why not study them since there are so many of them available? I would take notes on what makes the dominant fighters dominant and  I came to conclude that they all have similar traits.

Common traits for dominant fighters is that they are usually the aggresors in a fight, they would continually apply pressure onto their opponents with a constant flow of strikes and those strikes flow extremely well in terms of their postures, speed, and power. They all seem to be very comfortable throwing combinations with their feet as they are with their hands and hence combine them to make devastating combos.

After studying the dominant fighters, I thought to myself "Why not also study the inferior fighters and see what they are all doing wrong? What causes them to lose?" And so I started to take notes down, I decided to pay close attention to all the common wrongs that the inferior fighters would do.  I also noticed all my Sidais are doing the exact same things. So here is my guide to "How To Lose a Fight for Dummies"

1. Always aim for the head and face.

2. When being pressured, move back and root your feet down.

3. Do lots of Haymakers

4. Tendencies to drop your guard

5. Retain a wooden dummy  posture

6. Do a 1 or 2 hit max combo

7. Get emotional

How you use what is written here is up to you.

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